Pure Karanja Oil
Aids in the treatment of skin problems
Global Natural extracts the Karanja Oil by TCP (Temperature controlled process) and this process ensures availability of all the active ingredients in the karanja seed’s kernel. Global Natural is the only company offering high quality Karanja Oil for pharmaceutical and cosmetic processes.
Most of the Karanja Oil is available in the commercial market for biodiesel purposes that solvent and the main purposes of this oil for Biofuel have been extracted. That is entirely different from our natural way of extraction.
The karanja seed is bought by source and mountain area, which has ensured that quality and zero contamination by other factors.
Global Natural Karanja Oil, known for its medicinal and pesticide properties, is extracted from the seeds of pungam/ karanja (Pongamia glabra syn pongamia pinnata) tree, which is indigenous to India. The active ingredient in Karanja oil is the liminoid karajan.
It has a high content of triglycerides, and its disagreeable taste and odor are because of bitter flavonoid constituents including karanjin, Pongamol, Tannin and Karanja chromene.
This cousin of neem offers an array of similar therapeutic benefits to that of its pungent relative
Karanja Oil is prized for its insecticidal and antiseptic properties and is often used in pet care to treat fleas, mange, and scabies.
In skin care, Karanja Oil can treat eczema, psoriasis, skin ulcers, dandruff, or to promote wound healing. We can incorporate Karanja Oil into body oils, salves, lotions, soaps, hair oils, shampoos, or garden sprays.
While its therapeutic properties are like neem oil, its aroma is quite different. Karanja Oil has a milder, more versatile aroma than Neem Oil, that is often described as nutty.
We have found the aqueous extracts of different parts of Karanja as promising natural herbicide. It suppresses the germination of many obnoxious weeds.
We have also noted the stimulatory allelopathic effects of karanja extracts on germination and the initial growth of many agricultural crops
Karanja seeds yield bitter, non-edible (24-40%) oil with odd odour
We used this oil for illumination, leather dressing, soap making, lubrication and in other related purposes
This oil possesses insecticidal properties. The scientists have isolated karanja from seed oil and, according to them; it handles its action. The oil is also used as medicinal oil, both internally and externally.
According to ayurveda, Karanja is anthelmintic, alexipharmic and useful in diseases of the eye, vagina, skin. It is good for tumour, wounds, ulcers, itching, ascites, enlargement of spleen and abdomen, and urinary discharges. It also cures biliousness, piles, head pains, leucoderma, skin diseases and wounds. According to unani system of medicine, seeds are acrid and carminative, purify and enrich blood, relieve inflammation, cure earache, chest complaints, lumbago, chronic fever and hydrocele. Oil is styptic and anthelmintic. It is good in scabies, leprosy, piles, lumbago, chronic fever, liver pain, etc.